Monday, 8 April 2013

Something I Don't Get

Ok, so... one recent day I was driving to a meeting downtown.

I don't get downtown much these days and so I was, I have to admit, pretty stoked.  Felt energized and happy.

I was even able to get past the atrocious driving of my fellow Ottawans (OMG PEOPLE LEARN ABOUT THE TURN SIGNAL AND STOP BEING A DOUCHEBAG), such was my joy in getting back to my old stomping grounds.

There was a truck driving ahead of me, down Queen Street.  Nondescript, a red pickup.  Then I noticed the bumper sticker.  Not a fan of the bumper sticker, generally, although I do prefer them to personalized license plates.  Still don't get that.  Anyhow.

The sticker was simple.  A couple of figures, a couple of symbols.

It had a male figure, then a "plus" sign, then a female figure (like, the old-school bathroom sign kind, so you didn't walk into the wrong one, but who hasn't done that at least once to possibly embarrassing social consequences? And if you have... hell, stop being so uptight about it... we girls have enough to deal with and frankly the constant lineups because the powder room facilities have been poorly thought out in terms of supply (NOT ENOUGH STALLS) and demand (WE PEE A LOT) issues... Seriously, F*** it. I don't wait in lines when there's no lineup at the men's side, and I don't apologize for it.  Use the men's, ladies.  For God's sake, it's not as if we don't all know about basic biology! Anyhow....)

Where was I...?

Right.  The sticker.  A Man plus a Woman then an "equals" sign then the word "marriage".

W. T. F.

Seriously.  I was so enraged I nearly rear-ended the truck.

Passive aggression when it comes to politics is not acceptable.  If you believe it, you need to be prepared to have the conversation like a grown up.  A bumpersticker is not in any way the methodology behind an adult conversation.  It's designed to piss someone off without consequence or discussion.

And that is just plain shitty.  If you believe it, talk to me about it.  Explain to me why it's your business who loves whom and who wants to be part of a loving partnership and family unit with whom.  Don't slap a cheap sticker on your truck to be evocative and then drive away without providing a solid policy rationale based on data, evidence and facts.

Yes.  That's right.  I'm challenge-functioning a bumper sticker.  I'm "miller-ing" a bumpersticker.